The collected posts from last Tuesday morning sparked by catching @mattklewis' segment on #MorningJoe. Each begins with the word "because" and answers, in part, the question "why are we divided?"
On My Willingness to Hear What Democrats Have Planned
Hi, Ben. I'm kinda done investing in politics-as-usual politicians incapable of seeing the forest through the trees, unwilling to digest the requisite perspective for grokking the rot out of which our little dual reality democracy hath sprung, choosing instead to squint their eyes 'til the screw looks enough like a nail.
It's a Tribal Thing
They call themselves "pro-life", much like Radio Shack used to call it's equipment "Realistic", instead of "Real"...
It's a tribal thing … and we'll continue to be ruled by the tribal whims of an old white regime desperately clinging to minority rule on the eve of a minority majority … as we fixate on the beating of our own drum … the shadows dancing on the periphery of our sight casting beastly shapes … shapes never fully in focus … always just enough blur to allow the mind to play tricks.
Follow the F$&kin' Sign
The problem is that they'll never admit they were conned. Their egos won't let them admit they were fooled, so they'll keep defending him.
Rigidity can be overcome … not for all … but for enough.
The thing is … very few seem to be actively attempting to reach those within grasp.
In Case Anyone is Confused
In case anyone is confused as to why 2021 force fed you the definition of critical race theory.
In case anyone is confused as to why the whitewashing has been cranked up to eleven and white nationalism has been mainstreamed.
On the Dwindling Flames of Prometheus' Fire
For f$&ks sake, Chuck Todd (and f$&king eevvveerrrryyyybody else holed up in the Beltway … none of you politics-as-usual f$&kers seem to understand the following point), Biden did not unite a coalition composed of all-of-the-f$&king-left and anti-Trump-conservatives. WE F$&KING… UNITED… OURSELVES… (f$&king rapidly I might add) when we suddenly found ourselves shoulder to shoulder standing upon what once was a solitary plane of reality now under assault from an unfamiliar foe firmly entrenched deep within the belly of a full-on-f$&king-fabricated reality … a reality jockeying for position as we race towards our mergeable moment (as sustaining two fully oppositional realities is a short term affair, one shall surely swallow up the other) … winner take all.
On What is Missing
An idea under construction
On the Obstructionist Agenda
Progress is a slow burn. An appreciable amount of time must pass before the benefits of legislative change may be felt by the heart of the populace. For all but our most enthusiastic beltway fanboys (and fangirls), the passing of time and the prevalence of opposition propaganda obfuscates the link between cause and effect. The connection between good governance and the people’s prosperity becomes muted.
On the American Upside Down
While the beltway press, the pundits, the influencers, the organizers, and the cogs that compose the political machinery at large desperately cling to those norms and precedents with which order has so long been coaxed from chaos, the unprecedented leaves breadcrumbs for the fresh-eyed to trace towards the trailhead, near the clearing within which it has planted itself openly as invitation for observation.
Notes on the Bifurcated Information Ecosystem and the Dual Reality Dilemma
A gathering place for what might become a digestible representation of that which lay within my mind on the subject
On the Rise of the American Anti-Vaxxer
Anti-vaxxers (specifically the COVID variant), what the f$&k, am I right? With the litany of undesirable consequences we invite by allowing COVID to just flourish damn near unimpeded, conjuring an adequate answer to this question is quite important.
Walking Through On Political Ideologies
It was brought to my attention as I was sharing a threadified version (must have been the week I thought folks might be more likely to read a thread on Twitter than a linked post. I was wrong. Folks just aren't interested in reading. So, technically, I am talking to myself right now) of On Political Ideologies that the way I express my thoughts often obscures the point I intend to make. To remedy this I created a thread walking through the obscurities of the aforementioned thread. I figured I may as well do the same for the post from which that thread had been transcribed (So … for the record … I wrote a post which became a thread which warranted the creation of an entirely new thread to explain what the first original thread that used to be a post ought to have just said plainly from the start which is now becoming a new post).
On the Ghost in the Machine
Every inch of pivot we witness while Delta quietly tears a hole through the fabric of alternate reality may be posed as another evidentiary exhibit to support that these vaccinated, minority rule pushing m0therf$&kers have knowingly engaged in the fabrication of a reality for manipulating their base while secretly inhabiting the very fringes of what we know to be our reality. Foresight dictates such a pivot must be attempted.
On What is New
Progress requires a pivot.
It requires an understanding of what lies beneath.
It requires recognition that old knowledge must be adapted to be of use when faced with the unprecedented.
70% recognizable … 30% new. This is the environment within which we find ourselves struggling to survive as a democratic state.
On What We Must Endure
The thing is … America never becomes an autocracy. We the people have a will that may never be broken. By the year 2027, White will be minority to non-White for the 18-29 age group.
On Trumpism
Trump was a formula … not a force, a tool … not a tyrant.
If your focus remains on that puffy little can of Orange Blush, you are missing the core of the challenge we face in defending our forefathers Tree of Liberty.
On Political Ideologies
As the January 6th committee begins holding hearings, it feels worth pointing out once more just where Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger fit into the ideologies of today.
The Art of Propaganda
Translating Bernays for a time of anti-science, mainstream cults, the bifurcated information ecosystem, and the dual realities within which America has been divided.
On the Unsustainable State of the Union
The state of our nation is absolutely unsustainable.
Dual realities, by their nature, divide the people of this nation into two unbridgeable tribes.
The pull of us-versus-them ideology has plagued humanity since before the dawning of civilization painted majesty across our retinal walls.
What truly caused the tearing of our information ecosystem in twain amounts to a complex amalgamation. What keeps it so, however, is not.
I may just write a definitive essay on the multi-national bifurcated information ecosystem (birthed by a combination of social media supplanting print media and the normalization of full blown, like-you-learned-it-in-school propaganda as an alternative news source) threatening global devolution,
how it is being utilized by the one percent to drive wealth in a manner inconsistent with the preservation of a planet we would hope to leave behind for our children,
how it is being weaponized by white supremacy with the hopes of stopping this nation's push towards a true multicultural democracy in its tracks on the eve of a White minority (hitting reverse should they be so lucky on the Color-to-White ratio in this nation),
how every bad thing we've experienced in the last four years can be traced back as a symptom of entertaining dual reality bubbles (where every vision dreamt by our forefathers and foremothers require a single reality in exclusivity),
how addressing each symptom as it presents does nothing to remedy the disease … or safeguard the lives and liberties of a populace teetering (from a bloody engagement with a fascist uprising wholly dependent on these dual reality bubbles) and fearful of the storm closing in,
how merging these dual reality bubbles is prerequisite for the restoration of science as our guide (rather than anti-science as our guillotine),
prerequisite for the return of civil discourse (rather than civil unrest),
the return of problem solving (rather than solution obstructing),
the return of an America in which its people pick its representation (rather than one in which our representatives pick their people),
prerequisite for rebalancing the distribution of wealth away from the lopsided 1% holding 70% of this nation's assets,
prerequisite for the long term preservation of the American Experiment (as representative democracy requires the acquisition of common ground … common ground that will never be found without the sharing of a common reality),
prerequisite for muting the ugly hate machine amplifying tribal division as an accepted alternative to tolerance …
so … yeah … I may just write that essay for the handful of y'all open to perceiving that which may not be pre-approved by your mind's eye for reception … and then go back to dropping out of the existential … leave the nation alone … see if it gets there on its own (fingers-f$&king-crossed that if it does so … it has done so in time).
On the Futility of Waking the Woke
The futility of waking the woke to the underlying problem … the one enabling the fancy of fruition for every fascist flicker frolicking about behind the foreheads of every last member of today's GOP…
the flickers coming faster and faster now … as we approach the demographical destination point past which there lies no more minority rule …
On Reality Rejectionism
Even when I answer the why to their behavior, the pure obstinance required by Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio to block out the reality of where this path ends still gets me. It was never a sustainable, career extending path to walk.
Rejecting reality was never a sustainable model.
On the Exponential Nature of Generational Progress
Most likely not coming
Update: perhaps I will be able to get myself reinvested if I choose to focus on the massive effort to linearize the exponentiality of the generational progress I once laid out via Twitter thread.
Another update: the focus shift totally doesn't lead to reinvestment.
On Alicia Garza and the Benefits of Generalizing Her Vision
What’s good for Black America is also good for the rest of America. It does not have to be a zero-sum game. — Alicia Garza to Ali Velshi on his morning show Velshi
Most likely not coming: why she is correct and why generalizing this approach would give America her best shot at successfully deprogramming her cultist citizenry (population twenty-two million, give or take)
On Political Cycles
This is a unique inflection point. The weight of this moment makes my bones feel heavier than I remember. Last November … hell … all throughout 2020 … we the people demanded our voice be heard and our will respected. When our legislators stop working for us their concept of civil service must be corrected.
Democracy requires participation.