When, realizing eleven chapters is nearly enough to face playing cards, you think flash cards would be easier, which reignites your classroom poster series fantasy… and it occurs to you that those classrooms could no longer safely be American.
Biden is correct. The War was rechristened. Well, not rechristened so much as the end of the beginning having been refactored into its own battle.
I bet the gotcha vibes are strong this morning. Good luck stabilizing that dual-reality democracy amidst the tremors. I ceased my attempts at waking the woke some time in June of 2021. Best rebuild them bowling leagues before some silly twat stumbles upon a frequency that really resonates.
Probably never coming: On Plato’s Cave Projecting Schrödinger's Cat
Just a heads up… I suggest y’all get this shit sorted before the Gen X Teaching Division ages out. They will be the last set to know where we had been heading (having embraced and propagated the progress). Gen X Teaching Division, y’all are failing to meet your moment. Probably for the same reason:
When you realize your country’s former presidents are two for two re: moonshots.
Social media platforms won’t require editorial oversight; but, they will require curation and cultivation in order to actually function the way we all hoped they would. There are good reasons most of my posts would never show up on MB’s Discover tab. It isn’t an algorithm. I’m not silenced.
When y’all missed the turn and then wonder what had happened.
Nobody has asked me what happened; but, here’s my answer anyway. If you have trouble grokking my response don’t feel deflated. The language I’ve used here in crafting my answer was constrained to the discrete set of paintings I printed before I stopped wanting to paint anymore.
Bubble merge outreach would do well to include visual pallet cleansers and any other available resource to reset lizard logic centers as they take the wheel (those reaching out shall already need to be immunized against lizard driving, two lizards driving down the same road will always crash).
If this 💩 ain’t obvious by now, I suppose it never shall be.
We are sitting at something close to 53/47 as we near the home stretch. How quickly races are called next month, in combination with how representative the turnout, shall be the two violence modifiers in our equation (since y’all are no closer to diagnosing (and subsequently treating) our dual reality democracy than y’all were four years ago).
Score an assassination attempt for the post-debate bed wetters, I guess, who still think we’re polling reality and have panicked some patriotically painted person into thinking our Tree of Liberty needed refreshing when there is already someone manning the sprinklers they keep telling to go home.
Side note: If y’all fuck this up now, I am rechristening the War of the Bubbles. Its new name shall be the War of the Bed Wetters
I mean… here comes two cents worth of priceless to be layed face down upon the pavement and passively dismissed by disinterested eyes … 2024 shall see the first US election since I became voter eligible (1996) to boast the following characteristics:
- Being politically misinformed is tantamount to voting against your own interests (historically one may have been misinformed with their vote unimpacted… the dual reality inversion breaks this).
- Being politically uninformed leaves you vulnerable (as it has always done) to gut-voting against your own interests.
where voting against one’s own interests carries the following characteristics, itself, for the first time since I became voter eligible:
- Successfully voting against your own interests will make your life noticeably worse short term.
- Successfully voting against your own interests will fuck your legacy up long term, forcing your children’s generation to redirect their efforts away from progress into national trauma recovery.
- Successfully voting against your own interests could feasibly contribute to constitutional collapse and uncivil war.
Y'all's reaction to this letter captures every scrap of dumbf$&k we've set loose in progressive society. Incorrectly ascribing entirely where partially ought to reside is a common occurrence when speaking from a position of bias. Antisemitism, huh. I am so fucking tired of being an island.
What follows is the progress made on the rewrite of an essay from February 2021 that, once completed, shall comprise the book explaining all the sh$t some other f$&ker really oughta have figured out by now. Be better American intellectuals.
On Dragon Weaving
What I Suppose We'd Call the Preamble
Honestly, I haven't a clue why, in February of last year, I found myself pondering the web of dragon mythology that so ensnares the imagination of man. Of how the machinations of my mind materialized the path it would then travel, I've an even clumsier grasp. I believe there is something significant to be found within the folds of fumbled expression held by the essay I had composed. Now, a year later (finding myself in possession of more diversely and formidably equipped faculties), I shall recompose its art and prose, hoping to attain a composition that more capably communicates that which I have to say. It shall begin with a declaration. It shall end with an appeal. Two waypoints shall lie between the beginning and the ending. With a little luck, journey's end shall bring clarity to the both of us as to how and why the path was chosen.
In the event I never finish the rewrite, this is the paper I found last year providing the scientific explanation behind an answer I'd already deduced simply by observing y'all's shocked-silliness by post-second-impeachment-trial Mitch (who said exactly what I'd anticipated him saying).
It Ain't Your Feelings Being Fucked
Getting your goat is easy. All I need is a passion hook.
Don't let the news rags fool you, democracy does not, in fact, die in darkness. Democracy dies a very slow death, in broad daylight, from a thousand paper cuts.
Democracy dies in darkness
It also dies in the light. The lux value of the overall lighting sitch is f$&king irrelevant.
Without a common reality with discernible truths, there can be no civil discourse.
Without such discourse, common ground lay out of reach.
Democracy dies when that last scrap of land is fractured, when that bifurcating wall rises, inducing tribal isolation, and new mission statements are issued.
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
Fuck around and find out.
https://youtu.be/d71aQZPUoCg Improving Dual Reality Democracy Polling Data
The f$&kers inside my television set seem fixated on polling data. Without capturing the associated reality bubble data, I find these polls kinda useless. I've assembled six questions that, should these little sh$ts conducting these polls add them, would append this additional demographic.
On Why We Are Divided
The collected posts from last Tuesday morning sparked by catching @mattklewis' segment on #MorningJoe. Each begins with the word "because" and answers, in part, the question "why are we divided?"