I have always been fascinated by the common thread stretched about humanity that links up our narratives. The similitude with which humanity engineers itself by independent means.
On What Is Easier
Being on the edge of my seat wondering whether (never even having been in a real fight) I was about to take the two tasers, the two axes, the two machetes, and the mallet (that drove those chain link fence posts into the soil on the San Diego County property we owned for six months), drive to DC, find a place to stay, take a breath, crack the laptop, and find out whether A Brilliant Mind could plan the perfect murder of the fascist coup instigating tyrant Thomas Payne told us was to fertilize that f$&king tree.
On Perpetual Tribalism
I just can’t get over what people think a large sign that says cancel Jim Jordan could accomplish. Just feels like, if you (eye rolly voice) haaave to throw your money into paint, one might compose something that at least holds a point. But really, f$&k billboards.
The fact of it is the billboards, the videos. You either didn’t need the negative sell, it was to make you feel powerful … or congrats you just convinced someone to dig in another two years on account of your self-righteousness.
With each new month, folks will have forgotten a little more. When enough time has passed without persuasion, well done, by not pressing our advantage you have managed to rehydrate a career that was ready to be crumpled and tossed.
On Gotchas
If you are gonna do gotchas, bring some talent and creativity to it, like whoever is responsible for the gotcha below.
Art. Creativity. These, together, once released into the wild, seed the landscape upon which they are planted.
On Raging Bulls
Loving your Trump+ routine, Lindsey. You go get yourself that Trump 2022 base. Okay, hold on, are all y’all at MSNBC rope-a-doping Lindsey? Better let me know now, if so, before someone finally gets around to showing Mr. Graham the future I have chosen to write for him.
On Moving the Needle
I wonder what it will be like for things to get better after being arguably as bad as they have ever been.
I wonder how all those falsehoods will play after things start to get better.
I wonder how many full fledged COVID deniers will finally encounter this deadly pandemic.
I wonder if red states will continue to suffer needlessly under Trumpian COVID policies.
I wonder what the recovering blue states will look like from those red states.
I wonder how those red state constituents will feel when their jobs come back.
When they aren’t so frightened.
When their families feel safe.
When they feel that their families are safe.
I wonder who the ratings leader is among cable news networks.
Wait … who used to be the leader?
Okay … but for how long? Really?
I wonder what changed.
On Ending Minority Rule
Minority rule over WE THE PEOPLE comes to an end in 2021. Everyone strap the f$&k in. Everyone mask the f$&k up. We’ve got a long way to go and a short time to get there. But goddammit, this Northside Hospital baby can f$&king feel it in his bones.
This is the moment. This is the mother… f$&king… moment. The moment when the momentum shifts, when the forming of a more perfect union, a true multicultural democracy for the land of the free, becomes measurably closer to inevitable than it is to unfathomable.
On Political Analysis
Any postgame analysis must account for the current ecosystem by which we download information in this nation. The one which bifurcated our society into two distinct bubbles. I could just as easily have gone with echo chambers, analogically speaking, but there is something mesmeric about bubbles that better suits my mood. So let’s have a closer look at what lies within these bewitching bubbles.
On Tipping Points
What I thought was a tipping point for movements of equality, I have come to recognize as a tipping point for minority rule over this nation.
Our demography has shifted past that point which triggers the old white regime to brazenly subvert American democracy in one last ditch effort at clinging to the power it has held for so many centuries.
This is not sustainable. Our nation must be safeguarded against minority rule.
The shape of this effort, of the magnitude of this challenge, and the inevitability of a positive outcome … all such shapes remain obscured as the shadows of too many moving parts mingle and mate like shadow dancers projected upon the wall of Plato’s cave.
On Sparking Dumpster Fires
The general consensus across the Twittersphere with regard to Trump supporters goes like this: they are morons … Hillary was correct to call them deplorables … these are the dregs of our society.
Whole lotta truth here. The problem falling by the wayside for a myriad of reasons is that the percentage of people for which this provides an accurate description and the percentage of people that fall under the label “Trump supporter” are divergent.
What we must understand … and work to eliminate … is the why. For some f$&king reason … too many f$&king people are squaring their perceived reality with an acceptance that our societal dregs have blossomed into 49% of our populace. I am still not sure how they are squaring the ease with which millions in this nation have found it totally f$&king plausible for there to be a shadowy, high power cabal drinking up babies in pursuit of immortality.
On Accountability
Everyone keeps acting like Trump is a f$&king mob boss controlling those around him. F$&k that sh$t … he is the bullsh$t babbling baboon puffed up like an orange balloon that we all clearly see him to be. Trump is the f$&king tool. His enablers built the propaganda machine for peddling this cult of personality as a means for safeguarding their minority rule over our nation.