When you realize your ability to rationalize to get what you want is exactly how you are performing your own calculated modifications.
I want to release my hold on our den as my home base. ∴ j’ai besoin une nouvelle … er … home base. There is a book-shaped thing in my head that tracks the construction of the crutches I’ve been using to brace myself, mustering mindfulness in the face of isolationism. I constructed my crutches out of composite materials… mostly weed, fur and anime. Any new base, ∴, would currently require access to these three things. You could swing the monitor around just to watch anime (don’t act like this was not by design)… but… (filling in this blank is beyond the scope of this particular post).
But, then again, aren’t you meant to draw from the corner like you have from the couch?
And, haven’t you always kinda wanted to use the second monitor option for a full image view while drawing?
Your need to defend yourself is stopping you from achieving that which you set yourself out to achieve, bro.