I will no longer be reading this blog aloud to anyone I am paying to listen to me.
I suppose I will actually have to shut this f$&ker down to force myself over to the journal.
When the world has convinced itself that it sees you.
The irony of being capable of building the social platform but not trusting humanity to use it.
I think transitioning to a journal was the right idea. There really isn’t a point to any of this.
I have always been my own research project.
I wonder if I’m not going to the CVS Pharmacy today because they texted and told me to while I don’t have to.
Perhaps I’ll make flash cards of previous posts instead of feeling constantly crushed by explanation.
The only possible way to accurately perceive your reality 300 characters at a time is in serial. Or, maybe, you cracked non-linear time streams. What would I know?
I suppose a shared stress load is how one sleeps upon a bed of nails.
When you pass a buck, you can do so with purpose simply by checking there’s a receiver running the route before letting the ball loose.
Mindfulness is being okay with utterly failing to communicate and continuing to try anyway.
If you f$&k with my dog you will end. Doesn’t seem all that far off from parenting.
When working on Kota’s come response is the best use of your time.
Nobody fails at trying to understand, only at trying.
When you can always decide to stop being a pussy.
This is the year everyone who can’t keep up is getting dismissed.
Jesus, how much of our realities would even we have no problem admitting we assume. Not even mentioning the stuff we assume without realizing we’re operating upon assumptions.
I wonder if our mental health professionals are prepared to spot when “keep posting” is no longer the correct advice. I would reckon knowing when to make this suggestion might require reading the posts.
Lunarily speaking, this is meant to be my year.
When humanity is in beta.
I wonder how many other people are sitting on answers.
When a populace writes off half its citizenry and then wonders what had happened.
If you believe my interest is politics, you aren’t keeping up. If I believe you are reading this, I’m not keeping up.
The deeper the hole you climb out of the fresher the air at the top.