Goddammit, I don’t want to paint a cyber truck. But something significant has happened in Las Vegas.
I’m not only the walrus
Out of art paper. Time to trap farts.
When you catch yourself waiting for patience
To whom it may concern,
More than happy to be the censorship case against Elon.
Okay… pentameter for five syllables… but WTF was iambic?
I suppose I could paper my walls with my arts
Spend the rest of the day locked away trapping fartsSide note: I get zero email to
[email protected]
and yet I still think of it as the private messaging arm of Micro.blogTo be more obvious, I made this in about five minutes without AI
True gifts aren’t returnable.
It’s around three deep
That it becomes difficult
To discern the stinkIt is that projected cat creates the conditions for self-fulfilling.
I’ll be impressed by your AI once that Sweet ‘n’ Low tastes like sugar.
It takes me longer to explain shit because there is more connective tissue.
Them lovebirds returned
A social media platform’s touch-awareness parameter (Micro.blog at one end of the spectrum and my old Twitter experience the other) would be per person customizable and vastly improved with a simple quantum leap: make everything opt-in with three choices
yes | no | whatever
and wire up the spectrumAbstracted I become enigmatic
I bet the gotcha vibes are strong this morning. Good luck stabilizing that dual-reality democracy amidst the tremors. I ceased my attempts at waking the woke some time in June of 2021. Best rebuild them bowling leagues before some silly twat stumbles upon a frequency that really resonates.
A pair of Pretorian Lovebirds
So, is my phone my watch yet?
Or, is my watch my phone?
Now, is it that I’m meant to feel
Or less
Alone?I suppose screens strain eyes because they want to adjust focal depth
A six oughta look like an eight, considering it’s composed of a pair of threes.
Side note: it’s that dead cat y’all lug around giving y’all the yips.
Without desire, no inventory is taken of our current conditions… no subsequent identification of methods for engineering conditions that more favorably persist life. Without wanton adaptation, humanity stunts its own evolution.
The Buddha was born within the belly of desire.
Perhaps the problem don’t lie with desire, but with expectation