Side note: get with the preview card program already, #Mastodon. Holler if you need it coded for you.
Note to self: if I ever roll my own client, include an option to register a regular expression for a Hugo Shortcode that extracts the anticipated textual footprint for a more accurate character count within the post editor.
cc @manton
Hey @manton, is there a correct way to attach a category when creating a post via the micropub API? This doesn't seem to work. Perhaps I need to use 'category[]' and/or 'music'?
Weird that Gluon only wants to show the first two of the four images in that last post. I just bought a new laptop so rolling my own client is kinda back on the table.
It feels like writing my own algorithm in a shortcut or custom app to truly randomize which albums are touched isn't really something I ought still be contemplating when listening via software shipped by the folks that made digitally shuffled playlists a thing, @Apple engineers.
A solid use case for the introduction of a cross post API for @manton's parser would be that last one. You could configure the output to only have Bonnie's Twitter handle in the twitter post, using her name (or appropriate handle) for the actual blog and/or cross post targets.
A future feature for you @manton: global regex find and replace for the content Markdown files so I can remove the
parameters from mycard
shortcode invocations for all the pages that have already been cross posted (thereby embedding the HTML directly in the Hugo output rather than relying on Javascript to transform the element upon page load (which it does to ensure a regular link is cross posted (from which the target platform can generate its own preview card))).Were I rolling my own cross-poster, @manton, it would also handle posting replies to a previous post for API's that supported it. In this way, I could tack on siloed additional thoughts instead of only sticking those on Twitter.
Bee tee dubs, totally works:
Test driving modifications made to my cards plugin meant to pass tweet links along when cross-posting while embedding them on my site (I want to generalize the #LastYearToday stuff so it ain't just on Twitter): forward, the signed art within posts oughta be tappable for the purpose of loading a lightbox at full resolution. Gave myself a Hugo shortcode that fetches the high resolution image off of GitHub as a resource to create thumbnail and full resolution copies of the image via the image processing API.
When you create an iOS shortcut just for fetching the list of sh$t you tweeted precisely a year ago.
Of course, there is always my first app idea (circa not long after I hammered this out in FLStudio around the same time that Steve Jobs was making iPhones a thing), a social networking community for musical collaboration. "Hey guy, listen to this and see if you can lay in some guitar.", etc. I was gonna call it Reciprocity. I still own the domain ('cause I f$&king love the word).
Had I an individual with which to partner capable of harnessing the #CreativeADHD that emanates so effortlessly only to evaporate into the aether as soon as focus shifts to the tedium tied to actualization…
(And don't get me wrong … I suck at lots of sh$t … just not this kind of sh$t).
Just to add to my list of app ideas I'll likely never get around to (notable entries include an app with an algorithm for translating light frequency to audio frequency in such a way that one could listen to images, an app for generating sheet music from bird song, and an app where you trace out as many "faces" as you can find for a given high def nature photo) … how 'bout an app where you start with a given image and, being constrained to the existing collection of pixel values (but not their initial locations) see what you can create out of them by moving them about.
.@manton Does's Micropub API support setting categorie(s) in the message headers? Seems to be the last thing to figure out before creating myself a fresh posting shortcut.
Update: nevermind, found the Micropub standard, assuming's implementation conforms.
Yet another update: It does.
The f$&k-around-with list for the bookshelves plugin.
plugin-gallery (a README Experience)
A plugin for that is effectively a glorified wrapper for an invocation of plugin-lightbox's
partial, introduced by optional title and description elements and promoted to its own standalone page. The code for this plugin lives hereplugin-banner (a README Experience)
A plugin for dropping page-specific banners into your theme. Its code lives here
Okay … whatever. So I guess the READMEs have their own page now.
plugin-plausible (a README Experience)
A plugin for for adding Plausible Analytics. Its code lives here.
When you waste 45 minutes, give or take, because you have to debug the GD static site generator in order to get it to generate a page highlighting its own code using its own highlighter (turns out, the
shortcode ≢ code fence parsing … stellar work fellas).What f$&king YAML? Hugo, you're such a d$ck.
plugin-social-media-links (a README Experience)
A plugin for injecting your social media account links into the page
with a partial suitable for profile display. It's code lives here.plugin-table-of-contents (a README Experience)
A plugin for for generating a slide-over table of contents. Its code lives here.
plugin-conversation (a README Experience)
A plugin for with a partial for including replies and webmentions for post pages. The plugin also supports blacklisting individual responses to prevent their appearance. Its code lives here