What pretty pigeons in Pretoria

What pretty pigeons in Pretoria
Those following along at home will have to imagine the construction because I am not getting up.
Whoever staged this one, well done you (if Love Actually just popped in your head… jinx)
Murphy had so much color in her life.
If your high octane (and spontaneously batshit) pooch, upon your approach, looks up at you with eyes that say, “Oh, shit… don’t engage. I’m sure he’s harmless; but, that is just too much energy.”, you might be #ADHD.
Someone tap me when college football switches to a playoff format for determining the national champion. Whatever they’re doing now seems ornamental. I mean… you lose one game in three years… by three points (officiating and injury data points also available upon request).
He's a mix… part pit and part parakeet.
What has four dewclaws, zero thumbs, and their first invite to a CaliK9 Advanced Group Class?
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So I suppose there are 38 whatevers being matched. Y'all suppose the gray bits are where the genetic code didn't match against any breed decoded in the database utilized by their algorithm?
How do you get a pitbull born with a bum leg into a zip up, full length onesie for some sun baked winter basking? At his pace… very carefully… so long as you have his permission.
It appears Luna has been fortifying. I don't think I want to know what's inside the world's smallest super soakers.
.@manton, thoughts on moving towards a muted, autoplay model for videos in the timeline… or are you imagining Micro.blog users with a higher rate of play presses (cause I'm imagining a bunch of large darkish gray rectangles with light, tipped over triangles flying off scrolled screens)?
Hit me with your favorite (or simply utilized) doggy DNA outfit. We'd been told Kota had some boxer in him and 100% anything kinda screams inaccuracy if you ask me. Jenn says we oughta try Wisdom Panel for a second opinion.
When you realize you've the same amount of self-discipline as the dog that won't stop licking his feet, no matter how many times you tell him to stop and he's all, "okay, okay" (it's in the eyes (not pictured)).
I mean…
In case you were aware of the photo carousel lock screen/wallpaper for your always-on-display-capable iPhone… and you weren't aware of the foregrounding portraiture.
When you realize you could totally use one of those social-media-content-creator-subscription thingies to make bank by allowing folks to subscribe to your account for access to all your content… of your dog… … …for access to all your content of your dog. #FML
Woot! Stumbled upon some golden explore.org live webcam action (and then realized I took a live photo instead of taking video, so giffed that f$&ker).
Proposition: one's dependence upon interaction with animals for the accumulation of happiness may be losslessly expressed as a function taking as input the degree of ridiculousness with which one modulates their speaking voice when addressing them during said interactions.
When you're thinking of charging up an old iPhone just to make it easier (#ADHD compatible) to capture video of your dog watching the video you captured of your dog.
I created a YouTube playlist collecting all of Kota's cute AF videos. You're welcome.
Kota should have his own account across all the social media platforms; but, I'm afraid his success would significantly swell that chip securely seated upon my shoulder.