You Sure You Wanna Know? #bully #dog #cutedog #doglove #critters's another timeline feeler to see if anyone is even reading these there. You only get counted when you reply … what you feel like saying is irrelevant in this particular scenario. Here's a lure:
I think Kota especially likes watching bullies 'cause of his friends over at Bad Rap in Oakland.
#bully #dog #cutedog #doglove #critters #happy
Kota Watching Dugan #bully #dog #cutedog #doglove #critters #happy the peformance of Kota's collar while we're out for a morning stroll #airtag #paracord #knotting #decorativeknots #dog #bully #critters
Frog Hunt (Under a Minute Edit) #godawgs #sicem #woofwoofwoofwoofwoof
#bully #dog #cutedog #critters #happy Hunt #GoDawgs #SicEm #WoofWoofWoofWoofWoof
#bully #dog #cutedog #doglove #critters #happy your inner dialogue begins channeling A Bit of Frye and Laurie while sketching out the transcript for the new Kota video you want to make and you remember that the last 8 years have f$&kified folks' receptor capacity into a 59 sec video buffer. Eat a D Social Med. If you're reading this off a timeline (instead of on my blog where I provide a proper f$&king preview for these YouTube links), and you haven't been clicking through to view these videos, you are missing out MF. Playing around with YouTube Shorts editor: video for which music licensing has been a bitch:, science types, when Kota just stepped on (and lunged off of) my throat, why did it hurt all collapsish and, then, a few minutes later had degraded into just a bit sore-throatish? Did something get mushed out of place to slowly return or are the oh-shit signals dissipating?
When it's time to get up but you just don't wanna move.
In case y'all don't speak eye language, what Kota says here is "bring on the Buckeyes, bitches." #GoDawgs #SicEm #WoofWoofWoofWoofWoof
Tonight's new pose
When you're all, on the one hand, I could totally turn Kota into a TikTok star… but on the other hand you're all, read my illustrated philosociopolitical essays goddammit.
I mean…
Bee tee dubs, this is why we call him Kota.
Kota's leash après our first mid-stroll squirrel sighting.
Another one from yesterday redistributed to TikTok (and of course TikTok's metadata for generating Open Graph and Twitter Card previews would be shite ̄  ̄|||) ):