Sooo … since I figured out how to create my own Chroma style to use with Hugo 0.91's automagical syntax highlighting for fenced (and labeled) code, I've totally dropped plugin-prism. Other than my moondeer theme, the only other survivor is the shortcode for tricking Hugo into rendering its own code as example code rather than attempting to invoke it.

I figured I may as well generalize what was a shortcode for embedding shortcodes so that it would embed whatever TF I happened to want it to. So I did, calling this new rendition preserve.

The example output below tricks Hugo into not tagging the +++ lines that fence the front matter for a Markdown Hugo content file with the .err class and into actual printing the shortcode in the content block below the front matter.

title = "Bookshelf"
description = "Book collections"
type = "bookshelf"
{{< plugin-bookshelves >}}

To get this example to render in this little post looks something like:

{{< preserve "+++" >}}
title = "Bookshelf"
description = "Book collections"
type = "bookshelf"
{{< preserve "+++" >}}
{{< preserve "{{< plugin-bookshelves >}}" >}}

So what complex logic must one stick into the code for layouts/shortcodes/preserve.html to get this all to work? All you need is this :

{{ .Get 0 }}

Side note: more trickery may actually be necessary for this shortcode to work outside of a code fence. Totally didn't work when I tried to render that list bit as inline code.