POV: U've been able 2 answer every pundit's question since Nov '20, UR own reach is limited 2 a single disinterested party (whom U live w/) and a kindergarten-class-sized readership… so UR hoping year 4 is the year something unpredictable finally happens (or that the world finally catches ☝︎).
Y'all politics-as-usual f$&kers w/ UR endless supply of new polls. Eww, look what this 1 says. Ohhh, look at that 1. Just keep that shit 2 yourselves. U still do not understand them. They aren't telling U anything. I kept the last poll to say something, July 2020. I'll holler if I see another.
Bee tee dubs, artificial intelligence is intelligent the same way that number spit out by
is f$&king random.I mean…
From 9 MB accounts to 18, here's a screencast of the folks I've nabbed to date
Was a ball dropped or has Lindsey Graham turned State's evidence down in Georgia?
I will be coming back to that Micro.blog holler conversation a little later. Y'all gave me too much to look at and I don't want to skim
(ؔꇵ ˻̠ ؔꇵ) #NostalgicNuggs
High school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/straight-to-hell/1442851775?i=1442851932Generation X, the warehouse rave, and ecstasy.
UR welcome
High school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/firestarter/574422728?i=574422946Holler if you're reading this on the MB timeline and you aren't one of the nine folks I'm following.
High school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/gave-up/1440743805?i=1440743823It was gonna be a one-off, now it's saved as a sheet in Ulysses to be whipped into the substantially sized piece of witty ridicule y'all have earned for yourselves, Apple Engineers… mislabeling the thumbs up icon in _Messages_is just that… f$&king… stupid.
This one just reminded me about the old Headbanger's Ball hat I used to have (likely lost in some mosh pit like the Speed Racer hat I had).
Middle school ☾𐂂
Elementary school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/voodoo-chile/357652252?i=357652503Balance is moderation and moderation is a MFer.
We don't become an autocracy, Donnie… civil war breaks out.
Wonder if this asshole really thinks he could become President or if the fuckers that throw him all that money for gridlocking the Senate are now incentivizing him to lighten Biden's vote count some fifteen months from now.
Don't let the news rags fool you, democracy does not, in fact, die in darkness. Democracy dies a very slow death, in broad daylight, from a thousand paper cuts.
Could y'all just stop being surprised by voter turnout when our civil liberties are on the ballot? At this point, this politics-as-usual political punditry and reporting has me questioning y'all's faculties.
4FS, I highlighted the minority rule inflection point before the Dems even took the senate
High school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂