Middle school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/wish-fulfillment/1440833211?i=1440833228Someone show me a list of the Micro.blog supported emoji tags. Should I find myself bored enough, I may construct a proof of why the MB emoji model is a flawed, limiting system.
Cc @manton
Watching y'all ignorantly trying 2 bridge 2 closed systems is exhausting. Holler when UR ready 2 stop freaking the f$&k out about the water flooding our basement. Forget that fucking ShopVac. Let me show you where our foundation has crumbled. Where do you suppose all this 💦 is coming from?
Someone go ahead and tell me what the differential was between AAPI growth in population and AAPI growth in voter turnout. Shit better not be consistent. My politics-as-usual patience is waning fast.
Seems this ☠️ 🐎 needs further beating.
If one of the defining characteristics of your voting block happens to be its non-whiteness, the power of your voting block is rising. That simple. Let's stop acting like this is something new. K thx.
Middle school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/kkk-b-h/862275493?i=862275516Leave the metaphors to me, Joe Scarborough.
Hit me with your favorite (or simply utilized) doggy DNA outfit. We'd been told Kota had some boxer in him and 100% anything kinda screams inaccuracy if you ask me. Jenn says we oughta try Wisdom Panel for a second opinion.
Despite my best efforts at ensuring proper textual context, I still managed to yank the benefit of the doubt too early yesterday. My list of MB mutes is back down to zero. Apologies for the super low key and overly clever snark.
If UR reading this on the Micro.blog timeline, and you have, at some point, found yourself muting a Micro.blog account, holler back. My pristine (allbeit short) list of interactions took on a semisweet turd yesterday… I'm curious where the social media water marks are for y'all power socializers.
Bee tee dubs, had you created a Lincoln Party back when I first told you the GOP had become a teardown, 2024 would be an even bigger hoot… and y'all could have been competitive by 2028.
Thought I saw a bald eagle headed my way getting into the car after a golf lesson. It was a Palo Alto-sized crow hauling a big ass bread roll.
Totally expect to mute an account out of existence for the first time on Micro.blog later day. Fingers crossed we have a willing intellect capable of constructing a logical frame around a particular bit of broad generalization that wants to be clever but reduces to nought but an insult. *breathing*
Elementary school ☾𐂂
High school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/truckdrivin-neighbors-downstairs-yellow-sweat/1443287652?i=1443288107Someone find me the contact information for the Apple Music engineer to yell at for their piss poor shuffle algorithm implementation. A playlist with over 2000 songs should not pull from the same three fucking albums every fucking time you shuffle it.
Middle school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/dead-souls/322025243?i=322025504#Sorry4Ya #YourPropagandaMachineHasAscended
.@pratik after reading your reply (shown in this screenshot), I tracked down what tweets I could where I'd addressed this. I'd planned to compose something new; but, I haven't moved on it so I thought I'd stick all the screenshots together in the meantime .
It's the high speeds and strong gravities. That's what absolutely fucked UR political punditry (alongside, like, everything else). These anomalous forces arrived 6-7 years ago (butterfly flapped in '04). When the ever-loving f$&ksicles y'all gonna figure this 💩 out. Would that I could tell you.
Mika, (feminist eyes avert) sweetheart, the onus of information sourcing is no longer on the individual. We tore down the infrastructure allowing for such a burden to be pushed out to the edges to erect an unguided organism that organically cultifies disinformation-web-wrapped individuals, soo…
Okay, what conspiracy is this? There aren't even any READMEs in the list of top pages.
Whew, three years later and y'all finally got the primary symptom identified (I guess you were waiting for a poll). Holler when you're ready for the "how the f$&k", which, of course, is prerequisite knowledge for receiving the "so the f$&k we do about it."