High school ☾𐂂
High school ☾𐂂
High school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
High school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/get-up-stand-up/1440821911?i=1440821915What follows is the progress made on the rewrite of an essay from February 2021 that, once completed, shall comprise the book explaining all the sh$t some other f$&ker really oughta have figured out by now. Be better American intellectuals.
Honestly, I haven't a clue why, in February of last year, I found myself pondering the web of dragon mythology that so ensnares the imagination of man. Of how the machinations of my mind materialized the path it would then travel, I've an even clumsier grasp. I believe there is something significant to be found within the folds of fumbled expression held by the essay I had composed. Now, a year later (finding myself in possession of more diversely and formidably equipped faculties), I shall recompose its art and prose, hoping to attain a composition that more capably communicates that which I have to say. It shall begin with a declaration. It shall end with an appeal. Two waypoints shall lie between the beginning and the ending. With a little luck, journey's end shall bring clarity to the both of us as to how and why the path was chosen.
Elementary school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
High school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/if-theres-hell-below/716435193?i=716435280Press play with the lion's third roar, bitches
High school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/room-without-a-window-2007-remaster/1485043761?i=1485044049Someone oughta submit my #NostalgicNuggs song posts to Apple in a bug report for their limp f$&king shuffle algorithm that has had me playing the same ten bands off a playlist with a 2K+ song count (seeing as the shuffle is lost every GD time the phone restarts).
Middle school ☾𐂂
High school ☾𐂂
High school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/wind-below/390538381?i=390538418A quick random catch for you @manton: if 'a' + 'n' + 'd'
amounts to three characters; then, '&'
amounts to five. This being the UI, I have zero confidence in my ability to report actual variable values and my Unicode is fuzzy enough for me to have overlooked something.
Okay, mathematicians, I am now accepting input as to whether I ought to abbreviate y'all as U∀ (which works more like a vanity plate or brain teaser) or ∀U (which I believe may be more mathematically accurate, but reads "all you" instead of "you all."
My god, don't y'all ever feel stupid? Being dissatisfied w/ the current shape of things, w/ yet another election coming, chattering about changing horses 'cause the current guy ain't fixed in four years problems averaging nine years to tackle. The root of voting against your own interests live here.
Middle school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
High school ☾𐂂
High school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/bad-shit/302158303?i=302158324It doesn't defy logic, Sam… it defies your logic.
Middle school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂