Also on the lookout for another specialized term for racist similar to antisemitic, but denoting some other ancestry
I suppose my race is Atheist ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Is all the world jails and churches?
High school ☾𐂂
Find me another word beginning with anti for which the remainder of said word does not itself form a word.
I'll also accept an educated response as to how a strip of land nine-tenths the size of the city of San Jose pent behind a border barrier they call the Iron Wall is not functionally an internment camp. Saves me the due diligence legwork.
How do we feel about internment camps? Asking for an antisemtic friend.
Joe Scarborough, did you even read the fucking letter? The sensational horseshit coming out your mouth (3hr45min in) has me peacing out bro. I'm not sure we even notice the spark anymore, we light so much fucking gas. I don't think we even mean to. I don't think we even know we are doing it.
Y'all's reaction to this letter captures every scrap of dumbf$&k we've set loose in progressive society. Incorrectly ascribing entirely where partially ought to reside is a common occurrence when speaking from a position of bias. Antisemitism, huh. I am so fucking tired of being an island.
Let's peace meal this Harvard student group letter. We're gonna hunt down the antisemitism. Here's excerpt number one. Stop me when you spot it.
Today’s events did not occur in a vacuum. For the last two decades, millions of Palestinians in Gaza have been forced to live in an open-air prison. Israeli officials promise to “open the gates of hell,” and the massacres in Gaza have already commenced. Palestinians in Gaza have no shelters for refuge and nowhere to escape. In the coming days, Palestinians will be forced to bear the full brunt of Israel’s violence.
When you're fucking with your watch while driving, trying not to crash… because the frustration seeping into the steering wheel while being slapped silly in perfect time to An Ode to No One induced said₁ fucking watch to panic like that little yappy thing that was chasing some similar (yet yapless (and much, much larger in scale)) thing when said₂ similar thing suddenly turnt to jiggle its jowl, causing the ground to shake (at least, it sure as shit felt that way to said₁ little yappy thing)… teasing its siren while working its way through a countdown you must, per the pixel values of your watch's display, figure a way to stop else we're callin' emergency services 'cause we done detected a crash.
Middle school ☾𐂂
Love thy neighbor, bitches. Or, did God add that shit to the second edition? This is Israel's 9/11 when we retroactively discover that the native population we've systematically caged (being somewhat less than human, naturally) were secretly behind the assault. Go ahead… justify subjugation…
Raise your hand if you believe any has ever done right by Gaza (and then kindly explain to me how so).
Middle school ☾𐂂
Does breathing in isopropyl alcohol 99% make my insides less sticky?
Middle school ☾𐂂
High school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
So I suppose there are 38 whatevers being matched. Y'all suppose the gray bits are where the genetic code didn't match against any breed decoded in the database utilized by their algorithm?
Jon Meacham is so GD close. Shame I never managed to grab his attention.
That ain't faith, Joe Scarborough, it is community… otherwise you're spot on.
The pinnacle of misunderstanding what has happened to American politics since print died. Who could beat Trump? In a two horse national race for the presidency, even Ron f$&king DeSantis, could beat Trump. Or would you really choose to abstain and allow that fucker back in office?
High school ☾𐂂