Elementary school ☾𐂂
Elementary school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/dulcimer-stomp-the-other-side/1440824301?i=1440824730You don’t have to follow me
Only you can set you free
Elementary school ☾𐂂
High school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/stairway-to-heaven/580708175?i=580708180When you’re peeved it’s gonna be the new biographical tripe essay (this is what you get for thinking up something clever while driving home and being all, “I could call it Someone Check My Math.” The GD thing will write itself) that draws you back in.
High school ☾𐂂
Elementary school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/rats-remastered/426656353?i=426656401Lizard-locked lemmings
Raise your hand if you toss little four finger waves to the slow/stop stick spinning road repair fellas ‘cause the job has gotta suck and you appreciate somebody doing that shit.
Middle school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
High school ☾𐂂
High school ☾𐂂
Middle school ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/falling-to-pieces/83386606?i=83385470Empty words
I wouldn’t begin to know which would be yin and which yang; but, I fucking hate being out of balance so here goes… having already established you can’t run on a crutch, you can’t run with a fractured fucking foot either. How happily might you lay up your life while your calcium deposits replenish?
When showering is a fucking accomplishment.
When you realize it’s been twenty years or so since you’ve had a friend’s phone number in your phone (or a friend for that matter).
If our bodies are tuning our neural nets each night by applying patches as our cells are repaired, then fuck whoever it was that set me up without version control.
I’ll have to think up some participation game posts to replace my random insecurity checkpoint posts… ‘cause winter done came and no way I haven’t managed to shake at least a handful of the 19 of y’all that checked in last time… but the neediness makes me want to vomit.
Actually, every other platform would be a one way mirror. Micro.blog uses opaque glass both ways.
The problem with this one way mirror shit is that I have an idea in my head who shall read these words. Y’all have ideas of who’s written them. Not one of these ideas is accurate.
If it’s an eye for an eye who the fuck is doing the math.