I wish the hair on my arms would stand straight the f$&k up when I’m fight-or-flighty so folks uncomfortable with buzzsaws might gain a pip or prescience.
Quick question, @manton… I disconnected my feed from MB for April hunting a noticeable impact.
I reconnected for May, everything operating as expected and intended.
Presently, I was perusing the MB timeline in search of my April posts when I was low key surprised to actually find them.
Regardless of whether they are meant to be there now (I am entirely indifferent), I’m curious if they were there in April or, as I would suspect, if they are simply being drawn in on account of the reconnected feed.
As expected, disconnecting my feed from all social media platforms for an entire month, including Micro.blog, has zero impact.
Emotional introspection with jumping song lyric commentary… I dub thee Bumble Bee mode.
batshit and bloated
If you are reading this, and the origin of your path is anything other than the Micro.blog Help forums, go on and wiggle some digits at limb’s end so I see you.
If nothing isn’t something, how can I be doing it?
High School ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/southbound-pachyderm/1450651576?i=1450651667I want to know what my song sounds like.
High School ☾𐂂
Middle School ☾𐂂
High School ☾𐂂
Middle School ☾𐂂
Elementary School ☾𐂂
High School ☾𐂂
High School ☾𐂂
Middle School ☾𐂂
High School ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/take-away/215598299?i=215598739The only difference between fantasy and reality is external confirmation.
When you ask Siri to restart a show, she brings you web searches… so you reply, “Nevermind, fuck off,”… to which she responds, “Okay, then.”
Wait, how does AI get smarter inside a simulation, Elon? Holler when the shit is capable of speaking my language.
When your consciousness is saying, “Fuck my life,” because it’s incorrectly translated your subconscious… which has actually been saying, “Fuck me.”
High School ☾𐂂