Hello Today
You look just like Yesterday
Fuck you
Hello Today
You look just like Yesterday
Fuck you
Knee Jerking The latest entry into what has become a very crowded field of enthusiasts currently racing towards humanity’s extinction looking to land that final blow.
I suppose my head is still farting out emotion to the tune of children’s songs. Today’s melody: Dysfunction Junction.
When you’re probably gonna need to go back to solitary life with a new place to call home, you can’t recall the last meaningful conversation in which you both really needed to be and totally were understood, and saying things like this here is totes fine ‘cause nobody sees it, not even family.
It occurred to me earlier in the week that my knowledge of Muslim divisions got left back in the Gulf War (metaphorically).
I mean… the way they seem to be churning out the Studio Displays… curious why Apple doesn’t just go on ahead and build themselves an actual TV. Like the only two future proof concepts are wearable shit (cool is a commodity, low stability for product lines in general) and entertainment screens.
When you’re a dead end.
Y’all keep opening up my bio you’re gonna leave me no choice but to finally update that MFer.
Just to rephrase, it would be like acquiring Google, with brand name elevated to English language verb in recognition for its service within our communities, and totally deciding that f$&king name has got to go… ‘cause we’re gonna provide, like, all the services.
Elon even managed to purchase and poop on part of the cultural language space when he acquired the Twittersphere. Things just don’t feel so Twitterific. Feels more Xcrementative.
Guess what f$&kers. Opinion didn’t change, just the imprint of it you’ve managed to capture.
Bill got lucky. My Groundhog Day is some bullshit.
The 55% ain’t the story. The 37% is entirely explainable. This is not news, it is period politiporn set in 2013. I’m cutting y’all off and throwing on anime.
Our neural nets are getting so big. Seems like just yesterday we were still dropping them off in the woods to work on plant identification for earning their Brownie badges (that’s right, my neural networks are female, bitches).
Now I kinda want to write a poem where each and every word makes sense to the reader; but, not a single word carries official recognition… Carroll’s Jabberwocky ∩ Wittgenstein’s language games.
Side note: perhaps it’s worth reflecting on what it is like receiving the payoff for something (not the first payoff, obviously, with Tolkienesque-scoped storytelling) 1028 episodes deep. I’m not sure there are so many comparables.
Holy f$&k, am I actually watching Kaido go down? #OnePiece
Perhaps my heart’s not hard enough.
Random of the least likely variety: write about the correlations over the past year between Kota training techniques learned and ADHD habit-forming/pattern-breaking. Something like, Everything I Need to Know About Leveraging High Functioning Adult ADHD I Learned at CaliK9
Does making the truth harder to find also make it harder to accept?
Sooo… Israel’s latest great idea is to make the Gaza Strip, which we all remember is smaller than San Jose, an even smaller cage.
Uncertainty doesn’t create opportunity, it accompanies it.
When you were about to do a contextless, zero participation complete-the-lyric game with yourself and the one fella eying your stream at the time… but, upon checking which artist you had in your head, you realize the song is too obscure to pretend to play a contextless complete-the-lyric game.
Side note: if FFS still lacks a dictionary entry, go on and give it one. This is how language works.