Or perhaps a new global whatever TF oughta establish an accreditation process for non-fiction content services. The bullshit y’all must get up to discussing at each composium to keep browser developers busy… and your fucking client base can’t decide whether the fucking earth is round in any of them
Social media platforms won’t require editorial oversight; but, they will require curation and cultivation in order to actually function the way we all hoped they would. There are good reasons most of my posts would never show up on MB’s Discover tab. It isn’t an algorithm. I’m not silenced.
It looks like this morning’s WTF dropped in atttt… 8:41a
Whoever staged this one, well done you (if Love Actually just popped in your head… jinx)
When your backyard biodiversity is unhinged
There’s a book-sized thing in my head in the genre of mental health collecting assorted introspection and there is a new book-sized thing blooming to explore the dual reality domestic household… but I would never let either of those draw breath without first having woven my dragon.
When y’all missed the turn and then wonder what had happened.
Lest we forget how angry I was with y’all for not pivoting into the leadership role
When, as the victor
You cling to resistor
What you resist
Is governance
Vive la résistance
I think it is time to disconnect analytics. I remain uninterested in working example traffic.
Guess it was a feature. See where leaving that f$&king control center geometry bug until you literally rewrite the control center has pushed me you little f$&kers
Broke you in under 12 hours. GG Apple Devs
If Andy Warhol selectively spliced Basquiat, Wittgenstein, and Henry Rollins together with a tinkering technical writer.
When you bought an old edition of a book because the trailer of a Netflix documentary would suggest it bridges another of your pet theories (like Sagan and the Einstellung Effect) because you wanted the original argument… and someone had the gall to sign their name inside the copy you receive.
When you realize that in order for the dog to relax you must relax and in order for you to relax the dog must relax.
I wonder if we’re headed more towards picking our default assistants like we do our default browsers (there is a term that never evolved) or even further device f$&kery and platform-adoption-as-big-data-asset
Murphy had so much color in her life.
There is something discomforting about invisible👣 when you’re alone in your journey.
I’ve found myself leaning frequently on negative proofs to gain mindfulness. Take any anxiety inducing, pending outcome. Picture the outcome that worries you. Imagine the worrisome outcome is actually your greatest desire… how hard will it be to make that shit happen. If it would be hard, why worry.
High School ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/bombtrack/191450810?i=191450819With the thoughts of a militant mind
Hard line, hard line, after hard line
Middle School ☾𐂂
https://music.apple.com/us/album/youth-against-fascism/1440833211?i=1440833417Black robe and swill
I believe Anita Hill
The judge’ll rot in hell
Middle School ☾𐂂
https://www.shazam.com/track/535980/watch-it-die?co=US&referrer=shazam-module&offsetInMilliseconds=80903&timeSkew=-0.0030273795&trackLength=154800&startDate=2024-11-18T18:37:36.657Z#%7B%22title%22:%22Watch%20It%20Die%22,%22artist%22:%22Bad%20Religion%22%7DYou had a chance
You did not try
And now it’s time to watch it die