Every time I give Medium a shot, something f$&king blows. This time it was Ulysses export creating drafts without any of the f$&king images.
⒜ can we not just f$&king assume already that if I want a GD dash rather than two consecutive minus signs … I will type a GD — … it's not rocket science.
⑵ why TF can I not get a GD < ! - - more - - > tag seated in a properly recognized source code block?Hey … cool beans … so I guess the whole point of raw source blocks is not f$&king up your sh$te. Let’s see if the same thing works as well with shortcodes as it does with <!--more--> tags
Pfft … well Micro.blog cross-posted the long form beautifully … and now f’ing Tumblr doesn’t want to let me tag it … f$&kers
Well tagging worked via the web client; but, I guess it is worth mentioning that even the simplistic long-form post published via Ulysses will require going in through the Micro.blog web client to manage <!--more--> tags. I will give 'em a crack at it but every previous attempt at exporting HTML has been escaped, perhaps changing the markdown flavor alters this behavior?
Pfft … well Micro.blog cross-posted the long form beautifully … and now f’ing Tumblr doesn’t want to let me tag it … f$&kers
Well, after trying to figure out how TF one gets a long form post to paste into Tumblr, I am gonna re-post something out of Ulysses to Micro.blog and see WTF happens.
I mean, when we are talking 3 seconds, we are in didn’t-f$&kin-mean-to territory. Can I disable cross-posting to the Micro.blog timeline and setup cross-posting to Tumblr only?
Suppose I may as well tinker with customization of the Tumblr page now that I found where these settings live.
Also restored non-artsy-fartsied images to Chord Finder … which I really oughta get around to writing about one day … it makes Perpetual Groove look like a calculator app.
Restored the non-artsy-fartsied screenshots and video to my post about Perpetual Groove
A peek at the old app I rebuilt using SwiftUI for sh$ts and giggles.
I see what you did here @manton, smart
I’ll take self-fulfilling prophecies for $200 (RIP Mr. Trebek).
Dammit, now that I have noticed Hugo generates lists for posts by year (i.e. moondeer.blog/2020/) I bet Imma end up making more freakin’ banners…
If I could write the logic in Swift I’d be done already.
I suppose it wouldn’t take much to make my Hugo theme actually useable for others. Just moving some hardcoded stuff to the parameters portion of
. That and replacing some of the logic where navigation menu items are concerned.Previous post via Ulysses. Entirely painless process for the straightforward content. We’ll see how it handles shortcodes.
Lest anyone think Apple wouldn’t make you jump through hoops to get to that underlying HTML.
Okay, fine, Apple. I can view an RSS feed’s underlying XML by rolling my own shortcut for this purpose. But, seriously, should this have been necessary (same goes for underlying HTML, fellas)?
(And I am still mad at you Tumblr, for harshing my mellow use of ‘’).
The irony of Gluon is that I can’t upload the videos, or use my shortcode to make the video giffish … but once the post is there the video displays brilliantly within the timeline (which, of course is not the Micro.blog standard).
Congrats @manton, you are officially more sophisticated than Tumblr. I decided to add the video I just posted to the Tumblr cross-post, Tumblr is literally all “that’s too big bud,” so I download the video you compressed for me to upload to Tumblr.
With folks like me craving GIF behavior with quality imagery … and platforms avoiding the embrace of muted, looped video sans controls … would a new format meeting both criteria not be warranted?
I have noticed IndieWeb Webring traffic beginning to trickle (versus nonexistent).
Cool thing about iOS Shortcuts, if Apple would get out their own way I could write the additional functionality I require out of a Micro.blog client into the freakin’ share sheet (which I actually did before abandoning Twitter, could pick one of my threads out of Safari, pick the tweets I wanted to include, take care of last second edits, and upload that MFer).
So … yeah … about the Gluon app:
The suck)
- Uploads limited to photo library
- Zero shortcode support
The great)
- Damn near everything else
(Still may just roll my own when I run out of things to do so I have a one-stop shop)