Had no idea you could create your own markup in Ulysses
Alrighty, created the Ulysses image to Hugo shortcode to semantic figure tags … guess I oughta make 'em look like sumptin with some CSS
I noticed you added webp support @manton … I was replacing images with their URLs in Ulysses … some uploads were duds … turns out they were webp … Ulysses sh$t the bed but uploading directly through the web client works perfectly.
So @manton … I see the Ulysses image captions coming through. Is there a way for me to grab these with my theme? My web skills wax and wane depending on how long it's been. (I remember setting up a shortcode for captions but this time around I was looking for something I could get setup where I neededn't touch it after it's pushed from Ulysses).
Anyone know if you can edit a previous post created through Ulysses, or are we just being notified we have changed sh$t since it was posted? The former would be great so the links would remain the same across edits (now that Twitter cards started working again).
.@manton did you tinker or did my tinkering catch up? All of a sudden Twitter's card crawler is doing its job.
Dammit, now I gotta figure out where the underline text-decoration value is coming from … f$&k it … tonight those f$&kers are gonna stay underlined.
Totally need to overhaul my Hugo theme implementation's use of the favorites category to pin posts to the top of category pages. I have too many "favorites."
Todo: delete disqus account and remove from Hugo theme.
Giving up on Twitter cards, you seriously suck Jack.
Seriously no idea why all of a sudden Twitter has no idea how to load the card images found everywhere else.
Seriously … Jack … you suck at this.
OpenGraph scraper:
Twitter actual:
Feeling kinda OCD with all the time I am sinking into messing around with the whitespace generated by my Hugo templates.
Twitter card image fetching is so random. Open source scrapers do a better job. You never fail to disappoint Jack.
Picking up a random error about missing a delimiter to close out a post's front matter @manton (it was the post I mentioned you in that started "Assuming we are still coming back online…"). I deleted the post to see if I get any others; but, I thought you may want to know in case you were tinkering with the front matter.
When you've nothing better to do than expand your kaomoji iOS Shortcut to employ categories:
Congrats, Tumblr, on being yet another platform with a functional web client but an iOS app that chokes under pressure.
How is squashing that deletion bug coming along @manton? Starting to not like the lack of content control I am feeling (and I also suspect the same underlying issue is keeping my deleted category from disappearing).
So … Tumblr … what's with the random post thumbnailing?
Why not just re-embed the images from my photo albums? Because Medium can't even get image insertion f$&king correct. I will be GDed if Imma scroll through all my GD recents because Medium isn't up to f$&king speed with folders.
Why so tough on Medium's app? Because Ulysses is a rock star and I have to wait until I feel like grabbing the f$&king iPad to check whether Medium understands how to receive published images via the GD web client.
Speaking of piss poor iOS apps … y'all know I'm in Palo Alto … w/ the good fortune to not to need an income … and w/ nothing to do but teach myself new sh$t like Hugo-centric web dev. If you're reading this … and you've a piss poor iOS app … that sh$t's on you.
Is there anything more useless than Medium's iOS app? Seriously?
'Bout to find out whether Ulysses can handle publishing video to Micro.blog (I remain skeptical).
Update: pfft … nevermind, they aren't even gonna try. Guess I will go with a screenshot instead of the screen recording of the functioning chord recognition app (kinda feels like we all lose).
Turns out Ulysses was publishing to Medium just fine … and Medium is yet another web-based app with a sh$tty f$&kin' iOS application. FFS, if sh$t only works in the browser just dressup a GD web view and toss in an app icon. Sh$t I could build better is f$&king annoying to use.