♫ Sleep in sweat the mirrors coold
♫ See my face, it's growin' old
♫ SCAREd to death no reason whyy
♫ Do whatever to get me byyy
♫ Think about the things I've saaidd
♫ Read the page it's cold and deaad
♫ And Take Me HoOommee
♫ Hellllo, fran⏑tic frauds of⁀verse.
♫ Hang⁀on too yourr liiess.
♫ Who didn't knowww
♫ That it could goo this 𝄒 far?
♫ Who donn't feell rigght,
♫ Who's got⁀a break 𝄒 in 𝄒 their 𝄒 heart?
♫ Who didn't knooww
♫ That there arre…
♫ There are no fair fights!Remember that year metal found funk? This was Suicidal Tendencies finding it. Punk It Up
♫ Who con⏑trols the pricee⏑now
♫ Con⏑trols the futuree
♫ Who con⏑trols the preesent⏑now
♫ Con⏑trols the past
♫ NOW TESTIFY♫ I⁀am⁀I am⁀I said I'm not myseellf
♫ I'mm not deeaaddd and I'm noot foorr saalleeTODO: recapture what I was playing on my bass last time I got lost in Eddie Hazel's performance on Maggot Brain
TODO: pick a track by Rodrigo y Gabriela and lay in some wicked bass guitar.
♫ When I was juusst a little chiilld
♫ 'appineesss was therre a whiille
♫ Then from meee it slipped one daayyy
♫ HaappiiNeessss
♫ Come back⁀I saayy
♫ Cause if you don't come
♫ Gonna go loookingg
♫ Yeah
♫ For haapppiineessss
♫ I'mm hurrtinng innnsiidde♫ Weeapons not⁀food,
♫ Not⁀homes, not⁀shoes
♫ Not need,
♫ Just feed the⁀war cannibal⁀animal⁀I
♫ Walk⁀the⁀corner to⁀the⁀rubble
♫ That used⁀to⁀be⁀a library
♫ Line-up to the mind cemetery now
♫ What we don't know
♫ Keeps the contract alive an movin'
♫ They don't gotta⁀burn⁀the⁀books
♫ They just⁀remove⁀'em
♫ Whiile⁀arms warehouses
♫ Fill⁀as quick-as the-cells
♫ Rally round the family,
♫ Pockets full of shells
♫ Bulls on parade♫ I'min the waiting room
♫ I don't want the neewwss
♫ I gotno usefor ittt
♫ Welli don't read the neeewss
♫ I won't live byittt
♫ Sittin' outsiide of toowwn
♫ Everybody's always doown
♫ Tellmewwhhyy
♫ BeeeCause they can't get up
♫ Neooww comeon getup♫ Where is myy mind?
♫ Where is my mmind?
♫ WheeeEERRREE isss myyy miiinndd?Rodrigo y Gabriela … if you didn’t know … now ya know.
How … TF … are you still not getting that you f$&ked up sticking country in my mix, Apple Music?
♫ You can wait for aaggggeeeeeeesss
♫ Watch your compost tuurrrnnnn to coooal
♫ But tiime is contaagiouuuss
♫ And everyBoody's getting ooolld♫ So youcan siton chimnneeeeyyyyss
♫ Put some fire up-your aaasssss
♫ No need to knoow what you're dooiing or loookiing for
♫ But if aannyonnee should aaasskk♫ Tell'em Ii been cookiing cooooocoonuutt skinnss
♫ And we've been hangiingg ouuut
♫ Tell'em Good juusst dropped byyy to foorrgiivve our siinnnss
♫ Aannd relieve uusss ouur dououbbt♫ All in all its just aaanother brick in the wall
♫ Love … can … bea liiiaar
♫ And juustice can be a thief
♫ And freedomm can be an eemmpty cup
♫ from which everYbodY wANna drii_iiink
♫ I said … hoow coomme
♫ I can't teelll
♫ The freee woorlld
♫ Fromma livvin' heelll
♫ I said … hoooowww cooooommme♫ How coomme
♫ All I seee
♫ Isa chiiiilld of Good
♫ Inn … misereeyy
♫ I said … hoooowww cooooommme
♫ It's just maan
♫ Killin' maan
♫ Killlin' maan
♫ Killin' maan
♫ Killin' maan
♫ I don' un_der_staannnnd♫ Iiiii'lll stay hoooommmeeee
♫ Foreeeeeeeeeevveerrrrrr
♫ Where twooooo and twooooo
♫ Alllllways maaaakkees a fiiiiiiiiveTotally forgot about this one.
It occurs to me that this also works in reverse. Musicians might play identical notes but the difference in what each musician means (emotes) is not.
Every time I hear this bit from the song I created back in 2006 just to play with FL Studio I am convinced I should have chosen to be a musician.
Or I could stick with the whole what's-the-pointedness of it all and push this little f$&ker into the app store.
What’s on deck (for when I grow tired of writing to myself).
Still my best idea had way too early, a social platform built around creating and producing music.
Playing in the Band
♫ Some folks trust to reeasonn ♫ Ootherrs trust to miight ♫ I don’t trust to noothin’ ♫ But I knnoow it come out riight ♫ Some folks look for aansweers ♫ Oothers look for fiights ♫ I can tell your fuuturre ♫ Juust loook what’s in your hhannd Excerpts from: ♫ Now, I doon’t knooww
♫ But I been tollddd
♫ It’s hardd to runn
♫ With the weightght of golldd
♫ Otherr handd,
♫ I have heard it saiiddd
♫ It’s jussttt as harrdd
♫ With the weightght of leaddddddd♫ Onneee waaayy or another
♫ Onneee waaayy or another
♫ Onneee waaayy or another
♫ This darknesss got to givvee♫ Now, I doon’t knooww
♫ But I been tollddd
♫ If the horrse doon’ pull
♫ You got ta carrry the looad
♫ I don’t knooww
♫ Whoose baack’s that stroongg
♫ Mayybe finnd outt
♫ Beeforre to looooooonngg♫ Pleease don’t dominaate
♫ The raap, Jack
♫ If you got nothin’ neeww to saayy