When daddy chooses to pass the time waiting for the cleaning service to leave (at which point the dwelling shall be safe to enter once more) by f$&king with your fur.
Some post sh$t-hit-the-fan-why-are-we-doing-this-we-said-this-time-last-year-we-didn't-want-to-do-this-come-this-time-this-year cuteness
Hangin' out under the bridge.
When you're waiting for the cleaning ladies to leave so you can go inside.
#Choices @hollyhoneychurch
Murphy catches a breeze.
#Caturday #BreakingBad
Murphy just after donning her jersey.
#Pumped #GameDay #GooooDawgssSicEmWoofWoofWoofWoofWoof
.@AlysBijoux Murphy slumberously sending transatlantic vibes of the favorable variety down Transylvania Way
When you keep rewatching the end of #Foundation 'cause all of a sudden everyone needs some you time.
Murphy's been #AirDryin' since she got outta the shower.