When you're all, on the one hand, I could totally turn Kota into a TikTok star… but on the other hand you're all, read my illustrated philosociopolitical essays goddammit.
I mean…
Bee tee dubs, this is why we call him Kota.
Kota's leash après our first mid-stroll squirrel sighting.
Another one from yesterday redistributed to TikTok (and of course TikTok's metadata for generating Open Graph and Twitter Card previews would be shite
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR4nuNWN/( ̄  ̄|||) ):Okay … whatever … I guess I'm now on TikTok.
If you are reading this, and you haven't access to those Instagram reels I've posted links to, holler so I know to jump through all the video hoops to introduce Kota (so … yeah … now the Kota is audible and the Tate is silent). This pooch is a cute AF critter video machine.
Same deal as the last post.
https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cl1i5KKpmxx/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=Since I don't feel like repeating myself, here's a link for an Instagram reel (whatever TF that is) of a cute AF critter:
Kota Tate. He shall be know thus forth as Kota Tate (the Kota is silent).
Curating the final list of names for this spot stealing cuddle bunny today.
Next generation door TV enthusiast.
When you've been pilled with cream cheese 'cause you're stickin' around another week.
When you wake up knowing it's her last morning.
#WickedCute is right bitches.
The vibe this morning.
Damn good dawg makin' for a damn good wallpaper.
#Waiting4KickOff #AndSuckingInMyStomach