Turns out just wingin' it from a color palette kinda works.
Should anyone be curious about WTF I might want to animate … I give you my before and after models.
Okay, raise your hand if you already knew I was gonna move that little f$&ker.
Final. So it turns out the devil was inside a boot … and the Loyal Nine attached a copper plate to the elm a few weeks later (which is a hell-of-a lot easier than a carved inscription).
Raise your hand if you can tell I can't settle on exactly how to finish this one.
Playing around with a different ratio.
F$&ked up as much as I fixed … but Imma come back to this little f$&ker some other time since I've totally lost interest.
Still workin' on it.
Okay, now we are started to get somewhere.
Rough draft … on the very off-chance that someone happened to be curious where I was going with this one.
Cyber Ninja … f$&kin' check
Probably 75% complete with the #RonaldGreene #ThinBlueLine reboot.
F$&k it … guess I'll stop here for the night.
The current state of the #ThinBlueLine reboot (#Ronald Greene addition).
F$&k it, calling this one done.
Totally over-smudged that last MF. Zoomed to pixel level. Spent like 7 hours. Decided to start over. Zoomed to actual size. Spent like 25 minutes. Already looks better. May just need to freshen up some hair.
The rough draft … may or may not clean it up.
Drawing all these f$&kers' faces is quasi-traumatic … three more and then I can blend and stop looking at these a$$hats.
The revised model. Start paintin' dem faces tomorrow.
Almost forgot the affiliations
Ridiculous 4 hours hyper-focusing on something that will barely appear in the scene … but I'm pretty happy with how the design for the back of the cards came out.
And the model house is complete b$tches.
Okay … whatever … guess I'm painting a house of cards seeing as I just painted the plywood table background upon which to build the house.