Easter eggs in Moondeer's Bane
Perpetual Tribalism Machine
And now they've hooked themselves up to a mechanical bellows.
And it looks like Megyn Kelly's joined in.
And the tribe's favorite Fin, Tomi T Ahonen, has added some propulsion.
Got the drums painted … time to make it spin.
Moondeer's Bane
A peek at the core of my perpetual motion machine (unless you're reading this on Mastodon … in which case I assume the Mastodon server sh$t the bed again).
Been thiking of a devolution of man concept … now I'm thinking I could include milestones solidifying Sagan's prognostication.
Actually I think a perpetual motion machine would be more fun to work with than a Möbius strip.
Forgot a crossing in the last image
Think I'm gonna express perpetual tribalism via Möbius strip
Just the text now unless I decide to get nuts with blending.
Another one I figured I should break out before blending.
Okay … whatever … now I've settled my overlay … just gotta replace the articles.
Got my overlay constructed
Last full resolution patch.
A few more
Figure I may as well capture the patches I painted before I shrink their resolution to fit where I need them to.
Before I start adding patches and articles.
So the easter egg here is that the alien language is from Futurama … and it reads (roughly translates to) "have you tried switching out cable"
Simulation Hypothesis
Rough Draft … may or may not add "have you tried switching out your cables" depending on the aesthetics.
Now we're getting somewhere. Raise your hand if you think you know what goes in next